Saturday, March 12, 2016

Batman 2016 Update (Action Figures, Pajamas and more)

Walmart (again):

(I only bought the Robin They have Joker, Batman etc. I will take pictures next time I go)

Very comfy pants. :) Worth the buy!

Now from Comic Book Stores/Barnes and Nobles I found these guys:

Hot Topic March 2016 Batman Merch Update

Below is all of the Merch I've seen at my Hot Topic. They have more of course on their website.

Batman Sweat Pants (I have the Black Butler ones and they are SUPER comfy)

Batman Tights, they run a bit small

These adorable little necklaces. My intention is turn the Robin one into a phone charm somehow.

I've seen these for two years and haven't had a chance to try them on. May try this year.

One of my favorite purchases, I ever made. It makes my car look so awesome AND it has Burt Ward on it!

Batman Pajamas and Robe ALERT

I've been a bit lazy and I'm sorry! I'm going to start updating my regularly! Below are two items I found recently (with in the past few weeks).

